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Occupational Safety and Health

Due to the nature of our industry, incidents at the worksites may have detrimental effects on the health and safety of our workers, and our workers are valuable to our Group and to the successful execution of the E&M engineering projects. We endeavor to comply with all relevant laws and regulations on labour, health and safety by routine evaluation of the hazards of our projects and work out feasible working procedures in a way convenient and effective to operators which are reviewed and updated periodically to maintain its effectiveness.

Generally, the main contractors of construction projects will have established the workplace safety and health procedures which all their subcontractors, including us and our subcontractors, are required to comply with on-site. For every project, our on-site safety officer/safety supervisor will ensure that work place safety procedures are adhered to by our employees and by the employees of our subcontractors in conjunction with the safety officers of the main contractors.